Tuesday, June 21, 2011

After all that rain what comes next flowers ! ! !

What better way to celebrate the summer, than with embellishments of flowers. 
Flowers for your hair, flowers for your shoes, flowers for your clothes. And with these flowers you don't have to worry about bees.

Here is a simple and easy pattern for a 5 petal flower.

any size crochet hook that you want.
whatever scrap yarn that you have.
optional - small pearls/beads/buttons.

1st row -  chain 3,  sc in 1st ch made and in same st do 9 more sc - total of 10 sc - sl st in top of 1st sc.

2nd row - to create a petal in the 1st sc (pattern - sc, 3 dc, sc) - skip the next sc, in next sc do pattern  continue arnd until you have 5 petals total.  Sl st in the 1st sc of the 1st petal.

3rd row - flip to back of the flower - sc down thru base opening of the small petal -  Ch 3, sc thru next petal base opening -   repeat 4x in each opening  - sl st thru 1st sc, creating 5 loops total.

4th row - (pattern - sc, 5 dc, sc)  - create a petal with the pattern in all 5 loops - sl st in 1st sc of 1st petal. fasten off weave in ends.

You can add some tiny pearls, beads or buttons to the center of the flower if you choose.

Now you're ready to embellish with your flower !

Want to embellish without making the flowers just look for them  in our etsy store for a wide selection.

If you have any problems or questions with this pattern  please feel free to let us know.